My first publisher Tate went out of business and they had published the three books in
the, The Deer/Dear Hunt series. These were “A Salesman’s Guide to Hunting”, “The
Vancouver Rendezvous” and “This Time I’ll Stay”. When I wrote these stories I had
envisioned them as one book. My Tate editor, at the time, counseled me and convinced
me that as a new author I would have a hard time selling a 500+ page book. She
convinced me to split it up into three books. When I went to republish the three books
with LifeRich Publishing I decided to go with my original plan and publish them in one
book as “The Deer/Dear Hunt” sub title: A salesman’s Guide to Hunting.
I then later was counseled by the editors at Great Writers Media to republish each
of the books contained in “The Deer/Dear Hunt” separately. Therefore if you wish to
find why I wrote each of the three books found in “The Deer/Dear Hunt” you will find
them under individual titles in the why did you write it section.
The back cover of LifeRich book “The Deer/Dear Hunt” reads:
Veteran Salesman Peter Waldmann is on a Routine Sales Call When he is Surprised to
find that the new purchasing agent he is calling on is none other than John Stemple, his
very best friend from high school, forty years earlier. When John invites him to come on
a deer hunt with him in Edgerton, Wisconsin, a place Peter hasn’t returned to in forty
years, he embarks on a journey to the past that will have a lasting effect on his future.
In The Deer/Dear Hunt, Author Alan M. Oberdeck explores the threads of life that affect
everyone. See life through the Eyes of a man who committed a stupid, youthful act that
left him maimed and cost him the love of his life, Linda Leigh Swensen.
When Peter and Linda meet in the first book of The Deer/Dear Hunt trilogy, he is forced
to ask the question, can you ever go back again?
In the second book of the trilogy The Vancouver Rendezvous, Vacation with Peter and
Linda in the great scenic northwest as they learn more and more about each other and try
to work out their relationship and answer two important questions: What is the space that
separates them? And, more importantly, can they bridge the gulf?
In the third book of the trilogy Peter and Linda have each returned home from their two-
week vacation. The plan is to meet again prior to this year’s deer hunt. Peter is now
trying to do things in the right and proper manner to become part of Linda’s life. But
then disaster strikes! Will Linda lose Peter again?
Alan M Oberdeck, after initially working as a design engineer, spent thirty-five years as
traveling salesman, covering territories that included the United States, Canada, and parts
of Mexico. He currently lives in Georgia with his wife, Eileen, where he is active with
his local church.
The back cover also has his a picture of him.